The Making Of

Cases, CNC, EZ-Cases, How its made, The making of -

The Making Of

Ever wondered how we make your custom case?

Wonder no more and enter the glorious world of weapon cases.

Sketching the gun

In a first step we sketch your layout on a piece of cardboard. This is a rough sketch that will be used before we start drawing on a computer.


Digitising the sketch

After we got an initial sketch that is approved by the customer we can start digitising it. Comparing to the sketch this step needs some high precision. Because once we started the machine, there is no turning back anymore.


Lets start carving

Once our computer drawing is finished we can start carving. Now it is up to the machine. All we can do now is sit and wait.


Clean up and final fit

Once the machine has finished its magic we can start cleaning up the mousse and fit the weapon for a last time. Again a happy customer by
